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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Palestinian Leader Arafat Dies

Insyaalloh, Atas izin-Nya Palestina akan tetap berdiri teguh.
Sekali lagi, Insyaalloh.

U.S. President George W. Bush
expressed his condolences to the Palestinian people and said Arafat's death was a "significant moment" in Palestinian history.

"For the Palestinian people, we hope that the future will bring peace and the fulfillment of their aspirations for an independent, democratic Palestine that is at peace with its neighbors," Bush said

"During the period of transition that is ahead, we urge all in the region and throughout the world to join in helping make progress toward these goals and toward the ultimate goal of peace."

>>> KOboi Texas setan, udahlah gag usah pake basa-basi, elu tuh menang cuman gara2 orang amrik butuh minyak, buat bejemur pake bikini kalii, Don't tell us some lies anymore, such a Bull****!

Israeli Justice Minister Yosef Lapid
said that without Arafat "there could have already been peace in the region and a Palestinian state ... The government of Israel will continue with its efforts to reach peace."

>>>Reach peace?? Go To hell GITU LOOHH !!!

The Lao Sze !

Iks, 1 Oktober '83, Pendiem, moody, tertutup, Susah bergaul, penghayal, Bosenan, kreatif?? ow..oww...
Suka Catwoman dan Batman.

kontak gw :
demonoid_luna@yahoo.com for mail and FS
Gw lagih narsis

Cici n Koko

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